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i-SWAY: Revolutionizing Energy Storage with LiFePO4 Batteries

i-SWAY: LiFePO4 батарейгаар эрчим хүчний нөөцлөлтөд хувьсгал хийж байна

Тээврийн салбарт түргэн хөгжиж буй орчинд цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгсэл (EV) ирээдүй болж гарч ирж байгаа бөгөөд i-SWAY энэ шилжилтийг LiFePO4 аккумляторуудаараа эрчимжүүлж байна. Эдгээр аккумляторууд нь зайны түгшүүр, цэнэглэх хугацаа зэрэг гол асуудлуудыг шийдвэрлэснээр автомашины үйлдвэрлэлд хувьсгал хийж байна.

i-SWAY-ийн LiFePO4 аккумляторууд нь өндөр эрчим хүчний нягтралаараа EV-үүдэд нэг цэнэглэлтээр урт зайд хүрэх боломжийг олгодог. Эдгээр аккумляторын хурдан цэнэглэх чадвар нь цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгслийн практик байдлыг улам нэмэгдүүлж, хэрэглэгчдийн хувьд тохиромжтой, сэтгэл татам сонголт болгож байна.

Аюулгүй байдал нь i-SWAY-ийн эн тэргүүнд тавих зүйл бөгөөд LiFePO4 аккумлятор нь цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгслийн найдвартай байдлыг нэмэгдүүлдэг аюулгүй байдлын дэвшилтэт онцлогуудыг агуулсан байдаг. Энэ өгүүлэлд i-SWAY-ийн LiFePO4 аккумляторууд нь автомашины салбарт шинэчлэл, тогтвортой байдлыг хэрхэн түлхэж, тээврийн салбарт илүү цэвэр, үр ашигтай ирээдүйд хүрэх замыг хэрхэн тавьж байгааг судална.

48V105ah golf cart lithium battery

Lithium Golf Cart Batteries 48V 210Ah

Lithium Golf Cart Batteries 72V 460Ah

Lithium Golf Cart Batteries 72V 608Ah

Lithium Golf Cart Batteries 144V 420Ah

24V 315Ah forklift lithium battery

48V 460Ah forklift lithium battery

15kWh Residential LiFePO4 Battery Energy Storage System

Useful Applications of LiFePO4 Batteries

is important. Similarly, the marine industry prefers this type due to its resistance to changing weather patterns and long lifespan. Furthermore, LiFePO4 batteries are more frequently used in home and commercial energy storage systems, which enable homeowners as well as companies to save their solar power for future needs reducing reliance on the grid system. They can also be used in portable electronic devices, medical equipment such as defibrillators and emergency power supplies among others; therefore they can fit into many technology areas.

Superior Safety and Longevity of LiFePO4 Batteries

Improved Performance and Efficiency with LiFePO4 Batteries

Environmentally friendly LiFePO4 batteries

capacity enables them to be integrated with solar or wind power thereby providing a dependable way of storing an d using green energy which will reduce a further carbon foot print on our planet.

battery modules, and BMS control systems. Power battery modules are mainly used in sightseeing cars, pickup trucks, golf carts, patrol cars, classic cars, electric fire trucks, electric trains, electric forklifts, sweepers, AGVs, electric yachts, etc.; energy storage battery modules It is mainly used in home energy storage, communication power supply, power maintenance system, etc.; the BMS control system is an independently developed product by the company and has applied for multiple patent protections. 

are at the forefront of solutions, offering unparalleled efficiency and longevity. They provide higher energy density and longer lifespan compared to traditional battery technologies, making them ideal for applications requiring reliable and sustainable power sources.

are engineered for superior efficiency and reliability, offering extended operational lifespans and reduced maintenance costs. They provide consistent power output and fast charging capabilities, optimizing workflow efficiency and minimizing downtime in industrial settings.

deliver exceptional performance and reliability, ensuring longer runtime and quick recharge capabilities. Designed for durability and efficiency, they enhance the overall golfing experience with consistent power delivery and reduced maintenance needs.

and electric vehicle applications.

Latest Trends in Technology of LiFePO4 Batteries: Innovations and Applications


Advantages of Forklift Batteries in Enhancing Industrial Efficiency


Enhancing Mobility and Sustainability through the Role of Golf Cart Batteries


